Hi Brian:
I looked at the 2 links and I have found the .pst file on my computer. I
understand how it is telling me to move this file to the laptop and have
Outlook on the laptop look at the new file. However, I do not want the
laptop to look at the tasks and mail that is on the desktop. Just the
contacts and the calendar. Is that possible being that all of the data is
stored in one file? Please let me know. Thanks! Kim
"Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
"Kim" wrote in message
Can you please walk me through the steps to copy the contacts Outlook data
file. I thought the only way I could create a data file is by exporting
data. If I go into Contacts and I right click on the Contacts folder, and
then click on Copy Contacts - the only thing it will let me do is to
another folder in Outlook to copy the data to. Obviously that won't help.
need to get the data file onto a CD. Then...once I get it on a CD, how do
paste it? Thank you for your help!
None of the folders in Outlook are file system objects. All of Outlook's
data, contacts, calendar, mail, tasks, notes, etc. are all in the same file.
See if these help:
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]