I don't know of any workarounds, and I have no idea when SP will be
You can download the new Outlook pre-SP2 cumulative updates that were
recently released, those should have much of what you can expect for the
Outlook changes for SP2 as far as I know, see
But SP2 might not fix the problem. Some MAPI events just don't fire if too
many changes are involved, for example ItemAdd/ItemChange/ItemRemove won't
fire if 16 or more items are affected at once. That's not caused by an
Outlook limit, it's an underlying MAPI limit where in those cases only a
folder_change event is fired.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
"Nabil" wrote in message

Thanks Ken,
I am creating a folder structue and all the folders subscribe to that
I hope this does get sorted in SP2 as my project relies on this.
Do you know when it's coming out for certain than or are we just saying
before the 1st of April?
Do you know of anyway around the above problem? Besides FolderChange,
FolderAdd and FolderRemove as these run asynchronously and there's no way
predict the order that they will fire? I need to basically not allow
to be moved within my folder structre i.e. when a folder is moved by the
user, I need to move it back?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks once again