Actually you do not have to get a UK acct. Plus it might be a problem, since
their will be individuals that will block messages that does not use the US
designator, such as, *.com, *.net, *.org, etc...
If you just change the Yahoo Content setting to "ASIA", for you Yahoo acct, it
will allow you to enable POP access to your
acct through a mail
application that can handle POP3 accts. Now how long Yahoo will allow going
through those servers, no one knows. I was using "YPOPS" for years. But with
recent changes Yahoo has done to their US mail accts, I can no longer get it to
work with my accts.
1. Go to .
2. Sign into you Yahoo acct.
3. On the home page there, Click on your name, where it says "Hi, yourname".
4. Once you get to your Yahoo Profile page, Select Account Settings (upper right
5. In the first section, Select Edit Using the drop down list change Yahoo
Content to "Yahoo Asia" Select Save.
6. Return to the Yahoo home page for the acct, and click the link for Yahoo
7. In the Yahoo Mail acct Under Options Mail Options Pop Forwarding
8. Select POP access for the acct.
9. I personally choose the selection, not to download the messages from the SPAM
Guard folder.
In OE, WMail, WLMail, Outlook use the following settings:
Incoming Mail Server (POP3):
Use SSL, port: 995
If you are using a SPAM filtering program like "POPFile", you may need to set
the Incoming Mail Server Settings like this:
Incoming Mail Server (POP3):
Do Not Use SSL, port: 110
Check on your SPAM filtering program instruction web page, under the section
for SSL support in the program.
For the Outgoing Server Settings:
I use the settings for my email acct provided by my ISP.
Add MS to your News Reader:
(RRR News) message rule
Previous Text Snipped to Save Bandwidth When Appropriate
"ANONYMOUS" wrote in message
You can open a new account using domain or any domain except dot com
and get your yahoo emails using OE or Outlook using the following settings:
Incoming Mail Server (POP3):
Use SSL, port: 995
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication
Account Name/Username:
Email address:
Password: Your Yahoo! Mail password
It is free!!!!!!!!
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
You need to be a Yahoo Mail Plus! subscriber ($20/year?) in order to be able
to access most Yahoo accounts in a Mail Client, Sabrina. cf.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin
Sabrina wrote:
Does anyone know the server information for Yahoo? I am attempting to set
Outlook Express and have no idea what the server information is. Thanks!!