How to sort NG by latest post to threads, not first post?
On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:13:31 -0800, JoeU2004 wrote:
"NormanM" wrote:
I don't know of any newsreader which sorts the
article list by date of the most recent followup.
FYI, Google Groups (web interface) provides that option. Also, I had used a
newsreader on a UNIX system that provided that option.
Google Groups isn't a news reader. It isn't even an NNTP service. I have not
checked out any Unix news readers.
Without that feature, it seems like a nightmare to track updates to an
interesting NG.
I manage.
If I am overlooking an OE6 feature that would amelioriate that problem, I
would welcome the education.
MSOE is a bare bones application. Doesn't really do anything very well,
except crash on corrupted data.
~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum