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Old March 26th 09, 07:11 AM posted to
Robert Aldwinckle
external usenet poster
Posts: 472
Default email too big and can't be scrolled horizontally

"Jack B" wrote in message ...

I tried this also, but the text went off the screen to the right
with no way to scroll over.

Using which browser? Do you have a mouse with Middleclick available?
(Sometimes even when IE has no scrollbars, AutoScroll started by Middleclick
does work.) Alternatively, in IE8 you could try using things such as
View, Style, No Style (Alt-V,y,N) or F12 or F7 (Caret Browsing mode)

Actually this just reminded me of a solution which is probably available
in OE too: just forward it (e.g. press Ctrl-f) and you will be able to
reformat whatever it is in your "reply" composition window.
At the very least you would then be able to use OE's Source tab
to edit the HTML to make it flow, e.g. delete any PRE and /PRE

The Alt-a, Alt-c then paste into Word (see above) did work though.

You mean Ctrl-a,Ctrl-c. (Typo.) ; )



You're welcome.



"Robert Aldwinckle" wrote in message

"Jack B" wrote in message
I received an email that is too big for the screen and cannot be scrolled
horizontally to read that part on the right-hand side.

You could try opening it in your browser.
You can't drag it directly to your browser.
Use Forward as attachment first (Alt-M,d)
and then drag that (.eml attachment) to your browser.

Why can't it be scrolled over? What causes this in the first place?

Probably quirks in the HTML used in the E-mail
and deficiencies in OE's HTML support.


Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
