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Old March 29th 06, 09:36 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Brian Tillman
external usenet poster
Posts: 17,452
Default change a column name (i.e. "company" to "call back")

debbjo wrote:

I want to change the column name so that I can enter a call back date
without having to open each contact to see the date that I need to
call them back

Display your Contacts in a list view, like By Category. Click your column
header and choose "Field Chooser". Click the New button at the bottom.
Enyer "Call-back Date" and select "Date/TIme" from teh format drop-down.
Drag your new field to where you want it on the column bar. Enter youre
dates in the new field. When done, click the new field and your contacts
will be grouped by the call-back date.
Brian Tillman
