Address Book vs Contacts (again).
Using Vista Home Premium and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 (12.0.6316.5000)
The structure of Address Books versus Contacts in Outlook has always been a
mystery to me and will continue to be forever it seems. I hesitate to raise
the topic again because it has been raised here so many times.
I write today to ask why my Contacts listing is different when I refer to it
using the "address book" icon at the top of an Outlook screen and reference
it using the Contacts button (for me, bottom left hand side my Navigation
The "Contacts button" version, synched with my my cell phone, is generally
correct while the "addressbook icon" version has many entries missing. I can
actually enter a new contact and immediately not find it using the rapid
"icon" lookup but will find it it in "Contacts."
What's going on? More importantly, what can I do about it? Regards, Denzil.