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Old March 29th 06, 05:36 PM posted to
Alan J Robertson
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default Invalid syntax error on some URL links in OE

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Aldwinckle"
Newsgroups: xpress
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 10:22 PM
Subject: Invalid syntax error on some URL links in OE

"Alan J Robertson"
wrote in message
OK - follow-up. I've disabled the friendly HTTP error messages but
they won't disappear! (the option is definitely unchecked) - even
tried restarting the PC, but they still persist!

Some other things I've noticed -

the "s:" link in the error message - I realised that when I hovered
the mouse over this link it wasn't actually pointing to "s:" but
instead to "res://shdoclc/syntax.htm#" - I think the s came from the
end of res.

Ah, in that case I agree--your idea about it being an internal problem
could be just as valid.

That URL is a self-reference, which you can see just by entering it
in the Address bar. I don't know if there is a way to request a
different link to be specified with it. Notice though that it perfectly
validates Frank's suggestion that scripting may be involved. Use View,
on that page and do a find for script.

Hmm... there are several comments in there to give some clues about
how the Homepage() function is supposed to work, including some
instructions for testing it. The comments were obviously copied from
source file and there are some typos in it to make us work harder eg but
here is an example which I got to work first:


That is just an obvious example from following the comments
and adjusting them to this particular page. From there we could
experiment to see how closely to a valid URL we could come
but still result in your symptom. Clearly there are a lot of
possible cases which will not be handled by this function. Depending on
how its inputs are filtered by its callers it may be valid that it is
not coded more carefully to catch such cases.

The first thing it looks for is ://
Therefore any URL passed to it which is not prefixed by
a conventional protocol prefix will cause the symptom.

Then strangely it assumes that there must be a slash
also present. However (this is the really strange part)
if the slash is missing but the URL is otherwise fine
the end result is somehow the whole expression!


This doesn't even get into the question of why this routine
is being called in the first place but could explain why you
are getting that s: symptom.

PS You mentioned 'taking a trace' of the problem - what does this
involve? Do you mean just a tracert?

I meant do at minimum an HTTP packet capture
so you can see both the actual requests and responses
the same as IE is seeing them. To do that you could use
a proxy tracer such as FiddlerTool or you could capture
all TCP/IP packets using netcap (from the XP Pro Support
Tools package) and format them with Ethereal (freeware).

If I copy and past the URL it shows absolutely
fine in IE, it's just when I CLICK on a link the OE that it sometimes
occurs. Do you mean some way of getting windows scripting to follow
what's happening?

Let's examine your examples in more detail then.

Are the examples you gave from HTML E-mail?
How did you extract them? E.g. with right-click Copy Shortcut
or by capturing the text portion of the anchor?
(I'm thinking that HTML source may be the problem
in a similar way that phishing sites exploit it.)
Also a common problem with HTML links is for posters
to try pasting in a partial URL and then editing it,
not realizing that they are only editing an anchor's displayed
text, not the actual HREF itself. In order to do that
in OE they should use the Edit menu's Remove Hyperlink
command, edit the text and then when it is converted
to a link the HREF and the text will be the same.

I know it's been a couple of months since I last raised this issue, but it's
still ongoing One thing I have noticed recently is I can sometimes get
it to work again by doing the following...

1) click a link of the message, find it opens IE with 'invalid syntax error'
(happens about half the time)
2) close the IE window
3) click on a different message
4) click back onto the original message and re-click the URL - this works
about 2/3 of the time. If not then repeat 1-3. Once working then clicking
a couple of links within a few minutes normally works OK.

I'm wondering if it's OE not processing a link properly - then when it tries
to pass this to OE I get the problem described.

Does anyone have any ideas??


