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Old April 3rd 09, 07:44 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.fax
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 922
Default From Outlook Through An External Fax

No. Windows XP Fax are for use solely with analog fax modems on the WHCL.
If your business is dependent on fax, then you should be investing in far
more robust third party fax software than XP fax.
Russ Valentine
"Rob T" wrote in message
Is there any possible way to configure WXP Pro Fax Services to use and
external fax machine as the fax transport.

We have external "All In One" machines which have 50+ page buffers, making
faxing high volume through them much faster than faxing directly throuth
internal modem which has none. Their software provides "Fax Printers"
which we can fax out, but can't use the Outlook phone book, which means
maintaining two phone books. We'd like to be able to fax directly out of
Outlook to the external AIO's.

We've tried internet faxing services, and the ones that are not cost
prohibitive are also not reliable. The one we're currently using is
constantly dropping pages. Our business is completely fax dependent.
Rob Taylor
