I'm a lefty but I can't get into mousing with the left hand plus keyboarding
is much faster - it's a good thing as my laptop only has ctrl on the left

You can right click (I guess it would be left click on a lefty
mouse) and choose copy and paste.
Anyway... do you have outlook in the office suite or standalone? Those
shortcuts work here but some features require the office suite - if you have
only outlook that could be why it doesn't work.
You can go to the office icon of an opened message and click on Editor
options at the bottom - Advanced - about halfway down the list of options is
use insert for paste. To the best of my knowledge, this allows you to use
just ins for paste, not shift+ins - it doesn't affect the use of ctrl+ins or
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Alexander Vierschrodt" wrote in message
Am 08.04.2009 11:36, schrieb Christian Goeller:
Achim Becker, you wrote on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 11:21:07 +0200:
What does "INS" mean? The shortcuts are CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V
(paste). Or I do not understand?
For left handed users it can be cumbersome to use CTRL+C and CTRL+V as you
need to use the left hand which usually is the "mouse-hand"