Am 08.04.2009 14:42, schrieb Diane Poremsky [MVP]:
I'm a lefty but I can't get into mousing with the left hand plus
keyboarding is much faster - it's a good thing as my laptop only has
ctrl on the left side.
You can right click (I guess it would be left
click on a lefty mouse) and choose copy and paste.
I know but using the keyboard is much faster...
Anyway... do you have outlook in the office suite or standalone? Those
shortcuts work here but some features require the office suite - if you
have only outlook that could be why it doesn't work.
No, I'm using the complete office suite.
You can go to the office icon of an opened message and click on Editor
options at the bottom - Advanced - about halfway down the list of
options is use insert for paste. To the best of my knowledge, this
allows you to use just ins for paste, not shift+ins - it doesn't affect
the use of ctrl+ins or shift+ins.
No, this really does the trick!
Diane - you're the (wo)man! :-D