How can I send an email to 750 without overloading our server?
We area part of a county government with multiple departments running through
a centralized email server. We have built a "Contacts" folder of email
addresses to use to notify the public of our programs and events. When we
first sent an email notice to all 750 (and growing) on the list, the sudden
increase in outgoing traffic overwhelmed the server. So we built 24
Distribution Lists and divided the addresses among them. By sending to one
list at a time, and waiting 10 minutes in between, we are able to send out
the notices.
This is a major pain for several obvious reasons. I would prefer to build
the notices using MailMerge, and then use an add-in to Outlook, or some other
software, to release the mssages slowly and steadily (say, 1 every few
minutes) from Outlook to the server. Does anyone know of a way to do this?