That sounds good... I figured it out, or at least it worked...(in design) I
unchecked "show this page" on the form page that was customized, checked
"send form definitions with form" in properties, published, pulled it up
clicked save, that put it in my Draft folder (I couldn't get it out of the
Outbox/sent) I put the draft as an attachment in a regular message... viola
(long drawn out but it worked) thanks. I'll try your way next time... LOL
"Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote in message
By "export," do you mean that you want to save a copy of the form outside
Outlook for backup purposes? The easiest way to do that is with the Save As
command, save it as an .oft file. The recipient will need to save the .oft
file to the local drive, then use the Tools | Forms | Design This Form
command to open it in design mode for changes and publishing.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"99XJ" wrote in message
It's been a while so refresh my memory. I have a form called 'Change Form
as', basically it's a form for contacts to change all forms in the folder
"First-Last", "Last First" "Company-First Last", etc... at once. It's made
from a "message" form.
How do I export it? seems to me I used to go into design mode, change
something, republish it and sent it as a message to whoever. Once it's
go into design phase, change back whatever was changed and republish...
I've done it a couple times about 5 years ago, but now I can't get it
sent -
won't leave Outbox...