Thread: Compress files
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Old April 20th 09, 12:20 AM posted to
PA Bear [MS MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,647
Default Compress files

Running WinXP SP3, I presume, with Windows Search installed?

See this June 2008 discussion about this WinXP SP3-specific problem:

For reference, here's a current list of items known to cause this behavior
(which is NOT being seen by the vast majority of OE users) in "most often
seen" order

• Nero plug-in(s) including Nero Scout*;
• Windows (Desktop) Search is installed
[FIX: Uninstall the application or CONTROL PANEL | INDEXING OPTIONS |
MODIFY | Clear the check box for Outlook Express files (i.e., EML, NWS, &
DBX files)];
• IBM Rapid Access keyboard (driver) RAKDLL.DLL;
• Windows Live Mail is or had been installed;
• Various & sundry anti-virus applications (including Norton);
• Various & sundry anti-spyware applications;
• Various & sundry third-party firewalls;
• Any/all of the above running when WinXP SP3 was installed;
• Disk defragmentation, need for;
• Using Visual Basic DoCmd.SendObject command to create an email;
• Using any number third-party applications (e.g., accounting software;
FileMaker 6) to send emails by via Outlook Express;
• MailWasher; and/or
• Programatically opening EML files while OE is closed (e.g., creating a
New Message via Address Book).

* IN RE Nero Scout, see Item 2.3 on page 8 he

Also see
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

mjreale wrote:
I am running Office 2007. Whenever I turn on my computer, a message
asking if I want Outlook Express to compress my files. I have never used
(I use Outlook), so I must click Cancel. This is very annoying. How can I
stop this message from appearing?
