MSN 7.5 and Office 2003
What has any of this to do with Outlook Express?
"SABINA" wrote in message ...
: ???????/???????? ? ???????? ?????????:
: I was living very happy with Office 2000 and Messenger 7.5. The sun was
: shiny, the sky, the flowers and the trees....
: So the evil came up and said "Would you like to sell me your soul? All
: you need is just install Office 2003." And there was the Hell standing
: before me.
: Now I cant use my Msn Messenger to comunicate with my friend living in
: Heaven. It takes some minutes do start, as it Outlook 2003. I can see
: my friends list, but when I right click in one of them and select "Send
: instant message", Msn Messenger freezes and all I can do is finalize
: the application using task manager.
: Anybody has living this hell? I'm using Windows XP SP2, Office 2003, no
: virus scan, no firewall and MSN Messenger 7.5 build 7.5.0322
: Thanks a million