change an icon
I'm using XP Home. When saving an email in 'Message format'
one of my files, the envelope icon is too similar to the standard
icon. Can I change the Outlook envelope icon for something else
what choices do I have and how can I do it so that
the new icon becomes the default icon?
Start - Run - explorer
Tools - Folder Options - File types Tab
Click on MSG and press the Advanced button.
Click on Change Icon...
These icons will be all the Outlook icons you have available.
There's also the icons in C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll, as well
as lots of other possible locations.
Hello again FHM - tried your route and changed the icon - this new
icon now shown in the 'change' dialogue box heading - so change
confirmed. BUT this has not gone to the icons in customer files -
not even after a recent 'save as' and re-start. Any ideas why not?
I have no idea why windows won't honor the change. Even deleting the
icon cache won't change it.
Huh. That is weird. I didn't actually even change mine, just
assumed it'd work, since, y'know, that's how you do it.
I'm tempted to suggest posting to the xp.general newsgroup, just
because this is really a feature of Windows, but, I almost wonder if
Outlook is somehow overriding the situation.
I suspect Outlook is doing something because it does work with other
Yeah, but I wouldn't have the first thought of how OL would be influencing XP
in this way, but someone more conversant with the OS might. I mean, I'd make
sure I've rebooted the machine after making the change, just to make sure
it's not
something else (something I can't do atm, busy with work stuff), but, I'm at
a loss otherwise.
Microsoft Outlook MVP