Free/Busy info showing more than 2 months for some users?
Sounds like you are only publishing 2 to 3 months of free/busy
information. The default on an Outlook install is 2 months.
This is set at the Outlook Client level:
- Tools
- Options
- Calendar Options button
- Free/Busy Options...
- In the Publish box, set for 12 months
- OK
- OK
- OK
When I say Set at the CLIENT LEVEL, I mean that it is a
setting that is configured by the client in the Outlook Options.
2 month of free/busy publish will show:
Last Month and This Month
3 month of free/busy publish will show:
Last Month and This Month and Next Month
12 Month of free/busy publish will show:
Last Month and 11 Months ahead
It always includes last month for history as 1 of the months for publishing.
"Newbie" wrote in message
I have a user who reported she no longer can see free/busy information for
some users more than 2 months worth from scheduling screen (running Office
Outlook 2003 SP3). When I browse the same user myself also on Outlook 2003,
I can see up to about 2 months and the rest shows \\\\\\\\
What would have caused the free/busy information to show more information on
one user's screen and not others?
Server is running Exchange 2007 SP1, clients are Outlook 2003.
Thanks for your help.