Reinstalling Outlook 2003 inbox backup
Yolanda wrote:
Hi, I have the same problem. I copy the files "pst" in a CD
(Outlook.pst and Almacen.pst) before fromatting my hard disk. Now, i
have installed again Outlook and i canĀ“t restored the old files
copied in the CD.
What can I do?
As DCasi34 and DL say.
COpy the PST from the CD to anyhard drive folder you like. Remove the
read-only attribute (right-click, choose Properties and uncheck "Read
only"). Start Outlook. CLick FIleOpenOutlook Data File, browse to the
PST you copied, select iot, and click Open. Either drag-and-drop data to
your current delivery PST or make the copied PST the delivery location in
the "Delivery new e-mail to the following location" drop-down at the bottom
of ToolsE-mail AccountsNext. If you do this, you'll need to restart
Outlook for it to take effect.
Brian Tillman