Backup Tool help request
One more quick point,
The folder that contains the backup file now contains another file named
'Outlook backup' that IS a .pst file type, but it is only 265KB in size,
compared to the original backup which is 2745KB.
I do not know how or why this new entry was created, but apparently using
the backup tool to open the existing backup file somehow created it. Does
Outlook automatically save a .pst file to every directory it accesses?
"DL" wrote:
The outlook backup tool merely creates a copy of your pst named backup.
If you started / configured Outlook, then within Outlook opened this backup
pst. then you will, as expected have two sets of Personal Folders; what you
do next depends,
Using data management, or acessing the Outlook Profile via the control panel
mail applet (with outlook closed) you can designate the backup pst as the
default mail store - all mail & contacts are within this pst
BTW Importing / exporting is generally a no no with respect of the outlook
data file
"Vgolfmaster" wrote in message
I recently wiped my hard drive in order to create some partitions and
install the Windows7 trial. Intead of saving the ,pst file from Outlook
I normally would , I decided to use the Outlook Backup Tool.
I was able to direct Outlook at that saved file, and it opened it where I
could move the saved folders/e-mails into Outlook but it created a new
instance of my 'personal folders', instead of importing the folders/emails
into the existing instance of 'personal folders'; and now I have two of
everything in Outlook I am also unable to find a way to recover my
that were saved to that file.
Anyone have any detailed info on how to recover from a backup file created
with the Backup Tool? I've searched in vain on Googls and Microsoft, and
can't seem to find what I need.......
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