Don't know why my response didn't post yesterday when I submitted it.
Strange. I'll try again... So... before seeing your response yesterday I took
matters into my own hands and deleted my profile... that seemed to cure it.
This morning I decided, with the new profile working, to reinstate the add-in
for mobile and sure enough, the problem returned. I'm not thinking maybe the
issue is with my exchange profile not with my local profile in outlook. I
disabled it again and it fixed itself again. So... would outlookspy help me
figure out where the problem lives? Thanks for your help!
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:
Never mind. I see you did.
AFAIK, the add-in doesn't do anything outside of outlook - you delete the
sms account from tools, accounts and disable the add-in and it won't work.
It sounds like the profile is corrupt - if so, you'll need to make a new
I'd probably use outlookspy or mdbvue to browse the mailbox and verify the
account and any hidden rules were deleted. You could also try opening
outlook with the /cleanrules switch. (Export your rules first.)
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
did you also remove the sms link addin?
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"ArielZusya" wrote in message
Foolishly I configured my email account in outlook 2007 (an exchange
with the mobile options. I was able to install and configure smslink and
worked just fine but I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to turn it on
off (for example have it only send messages as text messages when I am
out of
the office). I couldn't find a method to turn it off altogether so I went
my account settings and deleted the mobile profile. The system stopped
sending me text messages but now every time I receive a message sent to
alone or send a message I get a System Administrator Message that says
"Undeliberable FW: subject" even after I disabled the add-in for mobile
mail. How do I fix this? Thanks for your assistance!