See here for message recovery techniques:
The dbx files are hidden, so you have to search for hidden files.
Are you sure you had the store set to local and didn't hack it to reside on
the network? That would account for the problems, if you did.
"eric" wrote in message
Here's the background.
Running a small network of about 15 computers. Server is Windows 2000 all
other stand alone computers are XP pro. Broadbanded but not Microsoft
Exchange installed so shared connection via network/router etc.
Server main board died, corrupting boot section of hard drive. No stand
alone computers affected. Replaced server with new installation of W2000
got system back up and running.
On opening OE on the stand alone computers it was as if it had been just
installed [microsoft welcome message] and all .dbx were gone from the
default location [local settings/application data/***/microsoft/outlook
express] {roughly}replaced by new empty ones.
Did search on computer for .dbx files but only came up with the new ones .
I know that the files were all stored on the local machines previously and
as these were not affected wondered how they have come to disappear?
Any explanation as to what may have happened and if the messages are
Many thanks