Importing Contacts From Excel
I have read through some of the other posts and I think my problem is
similar but different. Sorry for the redundancy if it appears that way.
I have Office 2003 and I have been trying to import contacts from Excel to
Outlook and one of two things are happening.
1 - I started by exporting my current Outlook contacts so that I could use
the same format/row headers to import my desired contacts from Excel. I then
deleted all of the contact data that I exported (except the hearders) and I
copied the contact info from the Excel file that I wanted to import into the
corresponding columns. The Import/Export process goes through all of the
motions, but then once complete none of the new contacts show up. I do not
get an error message or anything, just no new contacts.
2 - Since this was not working, I read about using a current file and
mapping the column headers (row 1) to the field that are listed in Outlook.
When I try to do this I get an error message stating that my file "has no
named ranges." Sorry if this seems remedial, but I do not completely know
what that means or how to fix it.
Thanks so much for any assistance that anyone can provide! I have been
racking my brains on this since 9 am this morning.
Have a good afternoon.