trouble with reading email coming from outlook
I have a question in regard to invite attendees in outlook calendar. I know
that Outlook does provide a feature called invite attendees when adding a new
appointment in the calendar. This morning, one of my colleagues sent me an
email that awaits my acceptance for our next Monday meeting. He used this
feature that automatically send out an email to me (which works really well
for him). The problem here is because i often use webmail to read my emails
everyday, i have had difficulty in understanding what the email is all about.
Luckily it has a meaningful subject with empty in the body content. It does
not tell me where and when.
The webmail i use to check my daily email is Squirrelmail. So my question is
whether there is anything i need to do in order to be able to read this kind
of email in the future. Is this to do with tweaking over Squirrelmail or
By the way, my colleague uses Outlook 2002.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance