How do I import ".pst" files from Outlook 2000into Outlook 200
"Dancer7" wrote in message
Um, I know that. I highlighted the .pst file from Outlook 2003,
it, selected "copy," and ... nothin'. I tried to paste it into the new
default file but that didn't work, tried to drag it in and that didn't
Right-click the file, choose Copy. Then using Windows Explorer navigate to
your Documents folder. Right-click, choose Paste.
Right-click on the pst file you have just pasted, choose Properties and
ensure that the Read-Only attribute is unchecked.
Then in Outlook do File-Open-Outlook Data File and navigate to your
Documents folder.
It really IS as easy as that.
BTW for future info - NEVER EVER paste a pst file into the default location
UNLESS it is of a different name to the one already existing.
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