Customize Toolbar corrupted
Yes, I am looking for "news" . It's not there. I beleive it is supposed to
be in "Customize Toolbar" under Catagory "Go". It's just not there. I have
tried everything..
"Denzil Hathway" wrote in message
You are not looking in the right place place for "News" - I assume that's
what you mean by "New" in your post. In Outlook try this, right click on
the toolbar in a blank area, select Customize, then, Command, then VIEW, -
find News and drag it to the toolbar. Denzil.
"IF" wrote in message
When I try to customize the toolbar so that I can integrate Outlook
Express newsreader in Outlook the "New" button does not appear in Command
under "Go".
I tried several things:
a) repair
b) reinstall
c) uninstall and reinstall
Still nothing works.
How can I uninstall completely and star all over again. Or if I knew what
file or dll is used I may be able to copy one from another computer.