What is that folder path you have stored in the ControlTipText? Did you
include the file:// prefix? Does that path work if you enter it in Start |
Run or the IE address window?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators
"Amy Brooks" wrote in message
Hi again Sue 
I used the code on your site:
__________________________________________________ __________________
Sub CallReports_Click()
Set objWeb = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objWeb.Navigate Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages _
("General").Controls("CallReports").ControlTipT ext
objWeb.Visible = True
End Sub
__________________________________________________ __________________
The command box I am using is called CallReports (thats the control name).
My folder path is stored in the ControlTipText of Advanced Properties,
because I wanted a different caption to show.
When I ran the form and clicked the button, it brought up Internet
but wouldn't show the folder. Am I doing something wrong? Should I change
InternetExplorer.Application to something different?
"Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote:
Yes, you can use the file:// hyperlink syntax, e.g.:
Replace any spaces in folder names with the %20 character sequence.
"Amy Brooks" wrote in message
Is it possible to (on a contacts form) create a hyperlink that links to
windows folder, either by:
a) using a command button
b) entering text into the notes box