Spontaneous OE6 Shutdown
Bruce's reply notwithstanding...
By System Recovery, are you referring to having used a Restore Point or to
having done a Repair Install of Windows?
What problems were you having which you thought this "System Recovery" might
resolve, Vince?
START | RUN | (type in) MSIMN.EXE | OK
Does OE open if you execute the above command?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
vince wrote:
Ever since a recent System Recovery I find that OE6 suddenly won't open
I click on the quick list shortcut and this is particularly noticed after
I've composed a message from within a quick link of an internet site such
as a software vendor, etc.
I need to restart the computer to get back to normal.
I'm using an HP MCE 2005, XP 32 bit system and IE7.