Thread: Oversized pst
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Old June 22nd 09, 02:32 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Diane Poremsky [MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,991
Default Oversized pst

The solution is not let it get that big - if it does, you need to chop it so
its smaller then run scanpst
( I'm not aware of any
free repair tools that work on oversized pst files without chopping them
down to size (most offer a 'free' trial - usually recovering a few items so
you can see if it works before buying). The one free one only works if the
pst can be opened in outlook.

Once you chop the oversized file down to size, you need to run scanpst on
it - many people have better luck if they also run scandisk (see

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Jouni" wrote in message

I have also this oversized PST problem.
Have anyone found a solution yet?

Have anyone tried out those commercial solutions (AOR etc.)?
Or have you got any help from those free version ( etc.)?
Any luck with those?

Waiting for your replies!

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

Have you tried running ckdsk /r against your hard drive from the command
prompt? You may have your .pst sitting on a bad sector on your hard
as well.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Tony Cannizzo asked:

| The message which occurs in phase 6 just about at the 100% mark, says:
| i: An error has occurred which caused the scan to be stopped. No
| changes have been made to the scanned file.
| I have also tried opening the file as well as importing and Outlook
| doesn't like either of them.
| tc
| "K. Orland" wrote in message
| ...
|| What is the error message that you get when you scan?
|| Also, don't import your PST. Use File Open. Importing can cause
|| some data
|| issues.
|| "Tony Cannizzo" wrote in message
|| ...
||| I have tried that also.
||| "K. Orland" wrote in message
||| ...
|||| It doesn't matter what removable media you use to transfer the
|||| information on. I don't think one is preferable to another. Try
|||| copying the data locally
|||| onto the C drive and scanning if you haven't done that already.
|||| "Tony Cannizzo" wrote in message
|||| .. .
||||| 2007
||||| Haven't tried burning to a CD, it is on an external hard drive. I
||||| suppose I would have to burn it to a DVD?
||||| I have run SCANPST.EXE and in the 2nd pass looking for lost data
||||| I get an error message and it cannot complete.
||||| "K. Orland" wrote in message
||||| ...
|||||| What version of Outlook are you using? There is a limit on PST
|||||| size of 2
|||||| GB
|||||| but that applies to Outlook 2002 and earlier. Later versions do
|||||| not have
|||||| this particular size restriction.
|||||| Have you tried scanning the PST for errors with Outlook closed?
|||||| If you burned the PST to a CD, did you remove the read only
|||||| attribute?
|||||| "Tony Cannizzo" wrote in message
|||||| .. .
||||||| I recently had to re-build my laptop. Backed everythning up.
||||||| Including my
||||||| 3.3GB pst which was working fine.
||||||| After re-installing, I was confronted with errors when trying to
||||||| use
|||| the
||||||| pst, and also when trying to import from it.
||||||| I always heard there was a size restriction, but never had a
||||||| problem
|||| with
||||||| it.
||||||| If I knew in advance that I wouldn't be able to use it, I would
||||||| have
|||||| broken
||||||| it out into multiple psts. But now I am stuck.
||||||| I have a monthly backup scheme and was able to import my March
||||||| pst, but
|||||| lost
||||||| my April and May emails.
||||||| Is there any way to extract the last 2 months from my 3.3GB pst?
||||||| Thanks
