news and newsgroups
Until 3 weeks ago I could access Outlook Express and so these newsgroups
through the news command in Outlook.
It is Outlook that I use for my emails etc..
Without warning Wanadoo disconnected their server to the newsgroups and left
us with none so I had to use an independent. I am now with 2CO.COM
operating through Outlook Express but this time as a shortcut on my desktop.
I want to restore access to Outlook Express through Outlook but am unable to
do so.
When Wanadoo disconnected; my news folder in Outlook changed to folder 1033
and it has nothing at all to do with newsgroups, it even contains links to
autoroute etc..
Internet Explorer is properly set up to access Outlook Express as the
newsgroup reader.
In Outlook when I try to go from Tools to Customise and so to the Command
setting and News I find that there is no News item in the folder so I cannot
change it that way.
Does anyone know how I can reconnect Outlook Express as the newsreader
through "News" in Outlook?
Thank you.