Ken, I really appreciate your time. I don't think I explained what I am trying to do well enough. I understand the DateAdd() function. What I need to do, though, is to jump a week forward or back from the Currently Selected Date. Not a week forward or back from Today. Does that make sense?
The DateAdd() help only tells you how to jump from today, or from a specific date. I need a command to return a string with whatever date I'm currently looking at to fill in that last variable in the DateAdd function.
Originally Posted by Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]
The key is the DateAdd() function. Change 28 days to 7 and you jump a week.
Change it to -28 and you jump back 4 weeks from today. Make a new macro for
each different date jump you want and name them appropriately.
For more on DateAdd() use the help.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.