You just said that the issue was that you have things that need to be
completed on a certain day. Things that need to be completed are,
pretty much by definition, "To Do"s.
You don't need to complete your friend's birthday (I assume their mom
did that for them). You might need to send your friend a birthday wish,
but that's a ToDo.
Your paper calendar doesn't suffer the same problem because you have to
do the time zone adjustments in your head - you don't change the time
zone on the calendar. If you're in L.A. and he's in NYC then you just
have to know that even though the paper calendar says his birthday
doesn't start until tomorrow, that at 9PM your time it's officially his
You can get the same result from Outlook if you simply don't change the
time zone on your computer when you travel.
And yes, I agree that it's a workaround and I am hopeful that it will be
improved in a future version. Unfortunately it's not a simple fix.
Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:
"Clint" wrote in message
Myelf and I think most people use the tasks as a ToDo list. If this were a
paper system - would you write someones birthday on your ToDo list or your
calendar? Wodl you write something that you have to do every other Thursday
on your ToDo list or your calendar?
If I write my friends birthday on my paper calendar. Then I go two time
zones west. I don't rewrite my friend's birthday on the calendar on an
additional day.
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:
Have you considered using tasks rather than the calendar for those
Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:
"Clint" wrote in message
It shouldn't matter... this is what Microsoft does not seem to understand.
All day is just that all day. People do not make all day events on their
calendar to represent a 24 hour event, but rather events without specified
times. Anniversaries - Birthdays - Etc. I happen to use all day events alot
because my business requires a number of things be completed on certain days,
but not a specific times.
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:
What version of Outlook are you using? Are you changing the computer's
clock/time zone when you change to the other time zone?
Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:
"Clint" wrote in message
There is a major problem with the handling of time zones on All Day Events.
The people representing Microsoft claim it be "intuitive." What it is is
costly. Outlooks handling of this has completly ruined my calendar more than
once forcing me to completely delete. I would estimate costing me and my
company thousands of dollars due to missed appointments.
Microsoft Outlook handles time zone changes for all day events incorrectly.
It is time for MS to stop claiming it operates the way it is supposed to and
admit they made a mistake - AND FIX IT!!!!!
It is my understanding that other major calendar applications handle this
correctly. Unless Microsoft can get on board with what their users need, and
not be to proud to admit the current system is wrong... I suggest everyone
find other systems that actually work.
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