Calendar 2007
#1: Do you mean you want the custom form to be the default? For that right
click the folder, choose Properties. On the first page see the dropdown box,
select Forms..., and find your custom form.
#2: Turn to the edit mode, and drag the image control from the toolbox to
your form. Then right click the control, choose Extended (?) Properties,
then double click 'Picture'.
Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
: Outlook Categories? Category Manager Is Your Tool
: VBOffice Reporter for Data Analysis & Reporting
Am Mon, 20 Jul 2009 20:18:02 -0700 schrieb Allison:
Hi - Thankyou so much for your help so far.
How do I make my customised appointment page open up each day without
to open the saved design form?
Also - how do I insert a special logo on customised form - I have tried
paste and it wont work. It wont allow me to insert a file or object
Please please help!! THanks