Multiple Inboxes
You do not always get a second bite of the cherry!
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Bruce Hagen wrote:
100% agreed. But I prefer to KISS the first reply in a case like
this. If the OP posted back saying my suggestion worked, then I would
insert my opinion of two user created folders as you mention. baby
"Gerry" wrote in message
Why not two sub-folders of Local Folders i.e. AAInbox and ABInbox.
Just a thought.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Bruce Hagen wrote:
First, create a local folder to be used as a second Inbox and name
it anything you want. (Inbox-2)? Use this for one of the accounts,
and the default Inbox for the other.
Then create a message rule.
Where the message is from the specified account.
Move it to the specified folder & Stop processing more rules.
Click on: Specified Account and enter the account name for the
second Inbox. Click on: Specified Folder and select the folder you
created. Name the rule.
Move this rule to the top of the rules list and the incoming
messages will be separated into their respective folders.
"Steve B." wrote in message
I have 2 pop3 email accounts, but I'd like to keep them separate in
Outlook Express. I'd like for all the emails from one account to
show up in one folder and all the emails from the other account to
show up in another folder. Is it possible to not have all the
emails show up in the Inbox folder? Thanks.