Can't Open Picture Attachments
Hi All.....
For the first time in 10 years, I had to have a computer reformatted. And
reinstalling all of the programs and updating them has been a royal PITA!!
However....I see that in OE, the attachments will not open. They did fine
OK after the reinstall, I think.....but I assume it is some sort of
association that I need to fix/change/do/whatever.
Also, I thought the new Clickfree backup would reinstall all of my *.dbx
files into OE with no problem, but such is not the case. They are all in
the folder and I have the main ones connected and a couple of subfolders,
but not entirely sure how to reconnect the others. OTOH, it is not a big
PA.....OE wasn't corrupt as we thought. Once I got rid of a lot of news
groups under Motzarella when changing it to Eternal September, the durned
thing started compacting again.....including the Folders File. Have no idea
why, but not going to ask, grin.
So if you can tell me why I can't click on the paperclip to open photos,
etc., I will be happy. There is something glitchy with the XP install and I
will hit that group with a few questions. Minor I suppose, but I don't like