Does anyone know of a macro which will date and time stamp the subject
box of an incoming email? So if I were to get an email with the subject
as "- CGTC - Drainage drawing-" I would like the macro to change the
subject to "-090802_15:46 CGTC - Drainage drawing-". Todays date
with the time.
ALSO do the the same for outgoing emails, for example - I want to send
an email out and when I create a new email, already waiting in the
subject box is "090802_15:46" Todays date with the time.
ALSO, sorry - is there any macro out there which will allow me to open
an old email and date stamp it (in subject box) with the date and time
it was sent or recieved? I know I can open an old email and click into
the email and change this manually.... but I need a macro to do it.
Thank you for any help at all!!!
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