Old saw about e-mail: to scan or not to scan
I am well aware of the majority expert opinion here about e-mail scanning:
(And I have switched mine off as a consequence.)
Today I received notice of a webcast on hosted e-mail, which includes these
Here are a few examples of what hosted email security provides you:
- One fixed price per user gives you unlimited email scanning capacity
- The solution is continuously tuned and updated by your security vendor
- Reduced overhead means lower costs for mail servers and network bandwidth.
The sender is PC Magazine (USA), thus a respectable source. The sponsor is
Trend Micro, so they have a vested interest...
Note the emphasis on "unlimited email scanning capacity."
Why would PC Mag waste its time? Or maybe somebody will suggest it is a
waste of time...
To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"