September 1st OE changes with Hotmail
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:21:01 -0500, ELW wrote:
"N. Miller" wrote in message
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:23:17 -0500, Lonestar wrote:
MS Outlook Express does not download headers only from POP3 accounts.
There are clients capable of downloading just the POP3 headers, but you
would have to learn how to use the client all over again; they are not
similar to MSOE.
Mr. Miller, I know now that using OE with the "new" POP3-only service will
not download just headers. But I was hoping. I know that my "old" service
with OE would get my legacy Hotmail email with headers only. Seems like a
step backwards as of Sep 1!
Not really. A step backwards. MS Outlook Express uses an older, proprietary
Microsoft protocol, called, "WebDAV" to access accounts which use the server
side of that protocol. The older protocol is actually less secure, and has
been replace with a new protocol called, "DeltaSync". Alas, MS Outlook
Express, itself, is as obsolete as the protocol it uses, and is no longer
supported by Microsoft, except for security patches. And support for that
will end in 2010 (for Windows XP with SP2), or 2014 (for Windows XP with
SP3). In order to keep up with Microsoft's security upgrades to their
protocols will require upgrading both the OS (Windows Vista, Windwows 7),
and the client (Windows Live Mail).
POP3, itself, is an older, and mature protocol. Another open standard
protocol, which is similar to Microsoft's proprietary HTTPMail (formerly
with WebDAV, now deprecated by DeltaSync), is IMAP4. Alas, Microsoft is not
going to provide IMAP support while they have their own proprietary protocol
in play. Just chalk it up to the "Microsoft Way" (or, more correctly,
Microsoft's attempt to "own" the Internet).
In any case, I installed Thunderbird email client and it does everything! I
set it up to get multiple Hotmail POP-3 accounts and it (optionally) to
downloads headers only -- not the entire message contents -- in their own
folders even! It's great. Sending and receiving mail is flawless. Such a
Anyway, thanks for your comments.
I use Thunderbird on occasion, but have not explored whether it was capable
of downloading headers only on POP3 accounts. The client I use which
downloads headers, Pegasus Mail, is sufficiently different from MSOE to
present a fairly steep learning curve in transition.
~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum