Thread: spamhouse
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Old August 17th 09, 08:54 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,313
Default spamhouse

bobabob wrote:

spamhouse is blocking my outgoing e-mails.

Um, Spamhaus perhaps you meant?

No blacklist can block anything. Putting your name if a firing squad's
list does not kill you. It's the bullet from the rifleman that kills
you. Whomever is *using* the blacklist is blocking your e-mails that
are inbound to their domain. You'll have to ask the owners of that
target mail server why they are blocking your e-mails.

So what is your IP address? YOU are the one asking for help but you
didn't even bother to provide a link the Spamhaus report or give an IP
address so others could go see what the Spamhaus record says. Do you
get a dynamically assigned IP address assigned to you? Most users do.
It is possible your IP lease expired which made you eligible for a new
IP address (but you get to keep your current one until it unbinds, like
when you reboot Windows or the router or until their boundary host
decides your IP address is too old and refuses further connects and you
have to renew your license which can give you a new IP address). It
could be someone else got blacklisted with the IP address that you have
now. Without further exhibits of spam, a Spamhaus record should expire
in a few days. Or you could keep releasing and renewing your IP lease
to see if and when you might get a different IP address (and then check
that it isn't on the blacklists of which there are several; you can
check most of them at or

What is the IP address or name of your SMTP mail host? Maybe you aren't
the one getting blocked but instead it is your e-mail provider's
outbound mail server (SMTP).

Based on the extreme dearth of details that you gave, no one can here
give you any help. They can only guess and there is far too many
unknowns to waste time with hundreds of possible scenarios to guess at
solutions for them.

--- Posting Hints ---

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Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go
on (no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually
move on to the next post and never return to yours.

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- Do NOT paraphrase an error message.
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- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge/star out personal info,
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