Outlook 2007 won't send; cannot contact SMTP server
I'm running Office 2007 on an ASUS M50VM notebook using Vista Premium,
Duo T9400 processor, 4GB RAM. About 2 months ago Word wouldn't let me
select text and would crash on closing. Don't remember what solution I
found online, but it worked to fix the problem. Happened again last
week. Deleting a Data folder fixed it again. Starting today Outlook
decided to act up.
I normally use Thunderbird for email, but was being forced to use
Outlook bc company needed uniformity (don't ask). I set up the exact
same accounts with the exact same settings on Outlook, which promptly
crashed when I attempted to send a message after the first download.
Disabled some plug ins and that fixed the crashing problem but not the
failure to send. Error message reads as follows: "Task
- Sending' reported error (0x80042109) :
'Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you
continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP).'"
ASUS support says it's a problem with my providers' SMTP servers,
despite the fact that I can access them with my Thunderbird client.
Company doesn't have an IT department yet so I'm on my own with this
one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.