Outlook 2007 won't send; cannot contact SMTP server
Just to be sure, did you replicate the port, login, etc from Thunderbird to
Outlook in regards to the SMTP server?
wrote in message
I'm running Office 2007 on an ASUS M50VM notebook using Vista Premium, Duo
T9400 processor, 4GB RAM. About 2 months ago Word wouldn't let me select
text and would crash on closing. Don't remember what solution I found
online, but it worked to fix the problem. Happened again last week.
Deleting a Data folder fixed it again. Starting today Outlook decided to
act up.
I normally use Thunderbird for email, but was being forced to use Outlook
bc company needed uniformity (don't ask). I set up the exact same
accounts with the exact same settings on Outlook, which promptly crashed
when I attempted to send a message after the first download. Disabled some
plug ins and that fixed the crashing problem but not the failure to send.
Error message reads as follows: "Task - Sending'
reported error (0x80042109) : 'Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing
(SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact
your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'"
ASUS support says it's a problem with my providers' SMTP servers, despite
the fact that I can access them with my Thunderbird client. Company
doesn't have an IT department yet so I'm on my own with this one. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.