"movesen" wrote in message
You may have issues with language versions of Outlook (Office). I am
using both Office 2003 and Office 2007.
In office 2007 I can change lanugage to English and import/export
using CSV files works fine between Outlook and Gmail Calendar, but
using Danish language in Office 2003 since this is a single language
version, then import fails to read the CSV file correctly.
Therefore has anyone seen or written a language CSV convert program
which changes the first line in the CSV file from English to other
languages. I seems very simple program but there are a lot of fields
which need to be translated 100% correctly, so the CSV file have right
formating non English MS Office installations.
Google and Microsoft: We do not all have pure English / US versions
installed on our PC's. !
AFAIK you don't need to do any importing/exporting with CSV files - you can
use the Google Calendar Synchronising utility.