If I understand your question correctly, you are asking how to send email to multiple recipients without disclosing the list of people the email is being sent to, is that correct?
If so, you can do this by using the BCC field in Outlook. Please refer to the following Knowledge Base article for more information.
257599 How to hide an e-mail address from other recipients in Outlook 2000
Scott Atkins MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook
Microsoft Technical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications
From: "Kentucky"
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Subject: Groups
Date: 5 Apr 2006 05:06:14 -0700
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Hy, when i send message to a group in my contacts, I would that the
receiver sees only the name of the group and not that the name of the
group do be changed with name of the members of the group, can i do it?