Cannot get OutlookXP to work
Outlook 2002 is not fully compatible with Vista, there are work arounds, but
why bother since you have 2007 available
"Terry" wrote in message
I know this is a bit lengthy and I apologize in advance, but I don't know
what else to do except try to explain my problem and the circumstances.
I'm running WinVistaHP with Office2002. My default email client is
WinMail. I purchased and installed Office 2007, but there seems to be a
high learning curve, so I installed Office 2002 (XP) along with 2007,
figuring I could use it while I learned 2007. For some reason, Outlook XP
wouldn't work. I asked basically this same question on another newsgroup
( and was told to uninstall both 2007 and
2002, reinstall 2002, then 2007. The only limitation was supposed to be
that I could not use both Outlook 2002 and 2007 -- I'd have to choose one
or the other. That's fine. I uninstalled both 2007 and 2002, then
reinstalled 2002. I have not yet re-installed 2007. Word, Excel, and
Powerpoint all work as they should, but Outlook 2002 refuses to open.
It's there, along with a number of updates which I've downloaded since
installing it, but when I try to open it, I get the message "Unable to
open your default email folders. Could not open the item. Try again."
So I clicked on "OK" and I get "Would you like to open your default file
system folder instead?" If I click YES, I get the following error
message: "Unable to start processing services. Could not open the item.
Try again." If I click NO, it shuts down and takes me back to the
I've tried "repairing" the installation, but no luck. I'm out of ideas
and I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'll try to provide more details
if necessary.
Thank you.