Cannot get OutlookXP to work
That may be the best solution, but the reason I'm trying to use Outlook 2002
is because I'm a bit slow on learning where things are on the various menus
and ribbons of Office 2007/Outlook 2007. I plan to use Office 2002 while I
take my time about learning Office 2007. I've been happy with Outlook
Express on XP, but do not care for WinMail on Vista. For that reason, I
figured I'd use Outlook. And there I am -- back at my original question. I
understand that Outlook Express cannot be used with or installed in Vista.
You mentioned work arounds...? I'm still open for suggestions.
"DL" wrote in message
Outlook 2002 is not fully compatible with Vista, there are work arounds,
but why bother since you have 2007 available
"Terry" wrote in message
I know this is a bit lengthy and I apologize in advance, but I don't know
what else to do except try to explain my problem and the circumstances.
I'm running WinVistaHP with Office2002. My default email client is
WinMail. I purchased and installed Office 2007, but there seems to be a
high learning curve, so I installed Office 2002 (XP) along with 2007,
figuring I could use it while I learned 2007. For some reason, Outlook
XP wouldn't work. I asked basically this same question on another
newsgroup ( and was told to uninstall both
2007 and 2002, reinstall 2002, then 2007. The only limitation was
supposed to be that I could not use both Outlook 2002 and 2007 -- I'd
have to choose one or the other. That's fine. I uninstalled both 2007
and 2002, then reinstalled 2002. I have not yet re-installed 2007.
Word, Excel, and Powerpoint all work as they should, but Outlook 2002
refuses to open. It's there, along with a number of updates which I've
downloaded since installing it, but when I try to open it, I get the
message "Unable to open your default email folders. Could not open the
item. Try again." So I clicked on "OK" and I get "Would you like to open
your default file system folder instead?" If I click YES, I get the
following error message: "Unable to start processing services. Could not
open the item. Try again." If I click NO, it shuts down and takes me
back to the desktop.
I've tried "repairing" the installation, but no luck. I'm out of ideas
and I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'll try to provide more details
if necessary.
Thank you.