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Old September 16th 09, 07:45 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
external usenet poster
Posts: 14
Default How do I combine 2 groups of contacts into 1 group?

Seemed clear to me...has multiple groups defined by different criteria. I
have the same issue, and hope some can shed light on combining multiple
'groups' of Contacts, or whatever the "proper" word for that is in Outlook.
We're not all programers......

"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:

We have no idea what you mean by groups of contacts. Outlook uses no such
term. Define the term.
Russ Valentine
"Hollinoelle" wrote in message
I have 3 groups of contacts and when I send out an email, Group A returns
error message that none or only some may have received the email. The
A' address could not be found. I could combine Group A with Group B, as
seems to work fine, but don't know how to combine them. Help!
