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Old September 16th 09, 11:04 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 922
Default How do I combine 2 groups of contacts into 1 group?

Then write a question that makes sense to more than just yourself. If there
are 6 different uses of the word "group" how do we know which one you mean?
Outlook does not use the term.
Russ Valentine
"pm" wrote in message
Actually, if you type in 'groups' in the Outlook help box, you'll find
half dozen references using that Outlook. But, the original
and myself were looking for help with an issue, not a 'question critique'.
Thanks anyway, I'll try a different "community". Take care...

"Gordon" wrote:

"pm" wrote in message
Seemed clear to me...has multiple groups defined by different criteria.
have the same issue, and hope some can shed light on combining multiple
'groups' of Contacts, or whatever the "proper" word for that is in
We're not all programers......

No need to be a programmer - where do you see the word "group" in
