using forms
Vista Home Premium 32 / Outlook 2007
I have created some forms that used to work. No more.
On selecting a form, I get "The form required to view this message
cannot be displayed. Contact the administrator. To my knowledge, I am
the administrator. This is a stand-alone PC in my residence. If I go
to Manage User Accounts, it shows only 2 accounts - LastName
Administrator and Guest.
I have googled my problem and found references to FRMCACHE.DAT which I
am told to delete and restart Outlook. Did that. Opened Outlook and
tried to open a form. Same error. And FRMCACHE.DAT was not rebuilt.
Doing 'Find' shows no such file.
FWIW, I can open the file in 'Design Form' and edit and publish.
How do I get rid of the error?
BONUS QUESTION: Is there a way to point Outlook to a NEW default folder
that contains all my forms?