[Crosspost to OE General, OE6 and MSN Discussion newsgroups]
POP3 access to MSN/Hotmail accounts has been available worldwide since March
2009. See
Having problems?...
Compare your configuration settings to those listed on this page:
TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |
Servers | Incoming mail server | Log on using Secure Password Authentication
=Do NOT check/enable this option!
TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |
Servers | Outgoing mail server | My server requires authentication
=check/enable this option
TIP: OE Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] | Properties |
= Outgoing (SMTP) server port will need to be 587 (not 25) for most users
= Incoming (POP3) server should be port 995
= Both SSL options must be checked/enabled
TIP: Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides no
additional protection and it may be causing your problem.
Why you don't need your anti-virus to scan your email
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
Mike Hairfield wrote:
I need to send an email, how do I set up a POP3 email account.