More Contacts list questions
1. I am looking for the same feature to dump public to provate so that my
employees can easily sync these contact to their phones using activesync (for
example) - it becomes a mess for a group of people to have the same contact
information - so this would be very helpful.
2. Also my Other Contacts keep disappearing even though they are added as
favorites - any clue why?
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
RSteph wrote:
Is there a way to display the 4 public contact lists, within the
contacts pane, and still have them show any new entries added by
another user?
Right-click a public Contacts folder and choose Add to Favorites. This will
add that folder to the Contacts view of the Navigation Pane in the "Other
Contacts" section. Now right-click the folder there and choose Properties.
Select the Outlook Address Book tab and check the box labeled "Show this
folder as an e-mail Address Book". Click OK. That will add it to the
Address Book when you click To on a new message. Use ToolsOptions in the
Address Book interface to establish the order the contacts folders will eb
searched. If someone enters a contact contained in that folder that is not
also in a folder preceeding it in the search order, it will be resolved from
that folder.
Brian Tillman