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Old October 6th 09, 09:08 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Diane Poremsky [MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,991
Default Outlook 2007 Export Automatic Formatting Rules

There isn't an Export views options, unfortunately. So while it can be done,
its painstaking. I suppose you are using Exchange server? This is one time
a PST would be easier - make a copy, delete her mail etc then give everyone
a copy of the pst - the views are stored in it.

Exchange has File, Folder, Copy folder designs which will make it easier -
but she needs to do it on every folder and I'm not sure if it will keep
custom views the others might have created. It may overwrite them so test it
to be sure. It may not include 'all folders' views either. (I forget.)

Another method needs to make views for 'this folder, everyone' then everyone
opens the folder or gets a copy of the folder in a pst. They save the views
for "all folders" so it gets written to their message store. This method
works well if users just want one view or the views are all in one folder
and they have permission to view the folder its on - ie, its on the inbox
and they have permission her inbox. The open the inbox, open their Define
views dialog and copy it as 'all folders, me only'


Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"JayR" wrote in message
I have a user who has spent several hours creating automatic formatting
for her calendar. Her other peers in her department want and would benefit
from having the same formatting rules for their calendars as well. Is
there a
way to export those rules so that the other users can import them into

Outlook 2007
Exchange 2007
